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Bamboo Project Exhibition

Bamboo Project Exhibition

The Kalinago Bamboo Afforestation Project comes to a close with an exhibition in Roseau.

Addressing Gender Based Violence in the Kalinago Territory

Addressing Gender Based Violence in the Kalinago Territory

This project comprises of an awareness campaign including the installation of a memorial plaque in remembrance of eight (8) indigenous sisters were murdered through intimate partner violence. The campaign include a March from the Kalinago Council office to Mr. Willards Shop on November 25th 2023. 

Apiculture Project Commences

Apiculture Project Commences

Project Manager: Claudius Sanford and Farmers at launching of Project.

The Kalinago Football Enhancement Project Commences

The Kalinago Football Enhancement Project Commences

Under the French Embassy Micro grant funding, Kibe’Kuati Inc. has commenced the Kalinago Football Academy in the Kalinago Territory. The first segment of the project includes the adoption of a playing field. The Adopted field is the Atkinson Playing field which was unattended for an 

Bamboo Project Commences

Bamboo Project Commences

The project team has selected 10 Kalinago farmers who have each been provided with boots, machete, and gloves. Additionally, they have been given EC$300 as a contribution towards clearing some of their farm land for bamboo planting. Training in bamboo propagation was provided by local 

Bee Project Funding

Bee Project Funding

Kibe’kuati will be representing Dominica in a sub-regional project aimed at bee conservation. The key deliverables of this project will be to train up to 30 people in understanding bees and bee keeping, introduce starter hives and beekeeping equipment to a selection of those people, 

Bamboo Project Funding

Bamboo Project Funding

We have received funding from UNDP for this project. The ambition is to create three bamboo zones on degraded lands in each of the eight hamlets of the Kalinago Territory. The zones will be managed by Kalinago women who will also take care of sustainable 

Journalism Training & Blog Funding

Journalism Training & Blog Funding

Thanks to funding from the Robinson trust, we’re able to kick off our Kalinago News Journalism project. The aim of the project is to select Kalinago people of any age who have an interest in writing and journalism, and pay for them to undertake a