Apiculture Project Commences

Apiculture Project Commences

The Apiculture Project commenced in the Kalinago Territory comprising of farmers from the Community of Sineku down to the community of Antrisle. The Apiculture training is conducted by Michael Lance from Roseau. Three (3) indigenous carpenters will also be trained in producing the bee boxes to be able to provide the beekeepers with boxes when needed.

National Co-ordinator of the GEFF Small Grants Program
CEO of Kibe’kuati Inc
Facilitator: Michael Lance
Farmers learn to make Bee frames for Boxes.
Farmers constructing Bee Frames

Women Farmers making Bee Frames.

Bee Keeping Equipments for Farmers
Participants Trying out Gowns and equipmentsprovided.
Practical Session with Farmers
Female Farmer doing demonstration Practical.
Male Farmer demonstrating

Twenty six farmers received basic bee keeping techniques certificates and seventeen of the twenty six farmers received advanced certification in queen bee rearing

Male farmers receiving certification

Female farmer receiving certification from Kalinago Chief

Farmers receiving gifts