Bamboo Project Commences

Bamboo Project Commences

The project team has selected 10 Kalinago farmers who have each been provided with boots, machete, and gloves. Additionally, they have been given EC$300 as a contribution towards clearing some of their farm land for bamboo planting.

Training in bamboo propagation was provided by local Kalinago, Kenrick Auguiste, who studied bamboo propagation in China.

Here are a few photos of some of the land areas that have been selected for clearing, bamboo planting and propagation.

Here we see the farmers receiving equipment from Kibe’kuati Chairperson Anette Sanford (right), as well as instruction on bamboo planting and propagation.

Two of our female farmers, actively engaged in planting the bamboos to manage soil erosion and land degradation.

The Second segment of the Bamboo Afforestation Project engages craft artisans across the Kalinago Territory to learn skills in creating bamboo craft products. Products will include: Cups, pen holders, piggy banks, Jewelry Box, Baskets, Chairs, Cutlery and Back scratchers. These will then be displayed at an exhibition at the end of the training. Here are some of the craft artisans creating their bamboo products with one of the trainers Frank Laurent from Sineku.