The Kalinago Football Enhancement Project Commences

The Kalinago Football Enhancement Project Commences

Under the French Embassy Micro grant funding, Kibe’Kuati Inc. has commenced the Kalinago Football Academy in the Kalinago Territory. The first segment of the project includes the adoption of a playing field. The Adopted field is the Atkinson Playing field which was unattended for an extended period of time. The field was cleaned in collaboration with the Atkinson Primary School Parents and Teachers Association, the Dominica National Youth Council and Community Members.

The program will equip the field with football goal posts and train five young men and five young women to become D- license coaches. An academy will then be set up to train youth below the ages of 13 years of age with a focus on young women. The goal is to help them develop football skills, physical strength, emotional intelligence and information to help raise the awareness and combat child sexual abuse.

The Atkinson Playing Field

Playing Field Before work began on it.
Youth Helping to Clean the Field
Kibekuati member putting in sweat equity towards the project
The CEO of Kibekauti Inc and youth helping Beautify the Atkinson School grounds near the playing field
Committed Community members to completing the Tasks.
The “After look” when cleaning the field was completed.
Goal post welded and set up
Launching Ceremony of the Kalinago Football Enhancement Project
Launching Ceremony of Football Project
Kalinago Chief speaking at the Launching of the program
Professional coach and D-license certificate coach participants
Professional Coach: Mr Jerome Badouille giving remarks at launching of program
Under 13 Academy Participants
Coaching D-liscence certificate program in progress.
Participants for D-Liscence certificate practicing with Mr Badouille.

Participants received D-License coach certificates from the Dominica Football Association

Kibe’kuati Inc Football Academy with participants under 13 years of age. They are being trained by newly trained Kalinago Coaches.

Participants comprise of both boys and girls, who attend practice every Saturdays from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.

After practice, participants are engaged in discussions that raise awareness on social issues in the Kalinago Territory such as Child Abuse, Gender Based Violence, Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Here is Dr Argenis from Venezuela giving a short talk to the members of the Academy.

The Coordinator from the French Embassy, engaged with Director Sanford about the Football Enhancement Project.